
Weymouth Compressor


Fore River Residents Against the Compressor Station


A group of Massachusetts residents from the towns of Weymouth, Braintree, Quincy, Hingham, and Germantown regularly gather on the shore of the Fore River Basin along Boston Harbor. With signs in hand and a grit that overcomes the cold and snow of a New England winter, they stand across a construction site of turned up toxic soil that contains decades of our industrial waste—coal ash, arsenic, and asbestos. What is their mission? They stand in opposition to the construction of an unmanned transmission gas-compressor that threatens their overburdened environmental justice communities with further toxic exposure, whose location next to a bridge in close proximity to schools, homes, and densely populated low-income housing threaten the community with explosions, and whose placement in a flood zone on the edge of the Boston Harbor Watershed, threatens to contaminate Greater Boston’s water supply.

FRRACS (Working Title) is a feature-length documentary currently in production capturing the struggle of a determined group of concerned citizens against the Canadian company, Enbridge’s construction of a transmission gas-compressor in their community. The film follows scientists, doctors, activists, faith leaders and ecologists who are working to expose the danger of this proposal. Their work also exposes the failure on the part of the Massachusetts Governor, Charlie Baker and his appointed directors of the Department of Environmental Protection to protect the communities they are tasked to serve.

Scientific research and activism interweave with the personal narratives of residents (children and adults) who are suffering from environmental cancers as a result of the toxic legacy of the Fore River Basin. The compressor station will add to the pre-existing toxins that have caused their cancers, leaving them with no other choice but to move from their homes. With a look to the future, and an alternative hope for a cleaner environment in the Fore River Basin, the film shines a light on the intricate connection between climate change, the health of our environment and human health.

For more information and to join the struggle, please visit: nocompressor.com

The production team includes Carolyn Shadid Lewis, Sue Murad and Bob Gifford.


The Pre-production Trailer


Health Stories of Residents


A Scientist on a Hunger Strike